Centre Approval and Support Audits

If you are considering starting your own training centre we can help. We can provide you with information, guidance support on all aspects of the approval process and once approved we can provide support audits to stress test your processes, ensuring your approval is maintained.

Policies, Procedures, Processes and Resource Development

We can provide you with advice and guidance on the content that awarding organisations require at the point of approval. We can also write tailored policies and procedures relevant to your qualifications and sector requirements. We can also provide you with tailored lesson plans, schemes of work and presentations.

External Quality Assurance Visit Support

Preparing for EQA visits can be busy and challenging. We can provide your centre support to help ensure that your policies, procedures and processes are ready for audit. We can also help you address any actions or issues following a recent audit or sample conducted by an awarding organisation.

Training Courses
Staff Training and Continuing Professional Development

When starting up as a training provider you will need to ensure that your staff meet the requirements of the qualification specifications. We can conduct a skill scan of your staff to ensure they meet the requirements for approval. We also offer several accredited training, assessment and IQA qualifications which will help ensure your centre meets staffing requirements.